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Why can’t I get my email? It was working before but suddenly stopped.

There are actually multiple reasons why your email client might not be connecting to the server. Lets go over them 1 by 1 and try to resolve your issue.

We will assume that because you are reading this, your internet connection is working. However, if you are viewing this from a different device, please make sure that you are connected to the internet from the device you want to retrieve your email from. You can do this my navigating to a site you have never been to before. You must do this as a site you normally navigate to may be held in your browser cache and be displayed to you even if you are actually off line.

“I have confirmed that I am connected to the internet”

OK, next we need to try and log onto your webmail and make sure that you know your password. Some email clients do have a tendency to drop passwords, or, more commonly, you experience a short outage of internet connectivity so your email client tells you it cannot log in and prompts your for your password. Not realizing that your stored password is actually correct but that you are just not connecting to the server, you may enter your password in again, improperly, so when you do reconnect to the internet, your mail client now has the wrong password. This can compound and create an additional problem in the fact that once you are reconnected, many email clients, especially Outlook, will rapidly attempt to reconnect to the server multiple times. Now that your password is incorrect, the server, after 20 attempts, will block your IP for a period of time.

Use this link to log into the webmail client. Enter your full email address and your password. If you are able to log in then the server and email is working then the issue is with your password or other settings on your email client.

If you believe that it is a password issue, you can contact your web administrator and ask them to reset your password through cPanel. Or, alternately, you may contact us directly to ask for us to change your password. Please do be aware, however, that if you are not the site admin, we will need to first contact the site admin to verify that you are who you say you are and is OK to change your password, so, it may be best, if you can, to first contact your site admin.

“I have contact my site, or, I have contact you directly to change my password but I still cannot get in”.

Your IP may now be blocked. If you are connected to the internet from work and your admin is in the same location, then you will know that your IP has been blocked because your admin will also not be able to log into cPanel and more than likely all others in your office will also not be able to get their email. In this case, please have your site admin contact us and be ready to provide your companies IP address?

“How do I know what our IP address is”?

Use this link and it will show you what your routers IP is. We need your routers IP, not the private IP address of your individual PC or other device.

“I have tried all the above and I have contacted 888-Hosting to unblock my IP but I still can’t get my email”.

Please check all your settings on your email client:

Connecting with SSL
Username: Your full email address
Password: Use the email account’s password.
Incoming Server: host1.888-hosting.com (.net, .info, etc..)
IMAP Port: 993
POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server: host1.888-hosting.com
SMTP Port: 465
Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.

Connection Non-SSL
Username: Your full email address
Password: Use the email account’s password.
Incoming Server: mail.yourdomain.com (.net, .info, etc..)
IMAP Port: 143
POP3 Port: 110
Outgoing Server: mail.yourdomain.com (.net, .info, etc..)
SMTP Port: 26
Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.


IMAP email access coordinates between the server and your mail application. Messages that you have read, deleted, or replied to will show up as such, both on the server and in the mail application.
POP3 does not coordinate with the server. Messages that the mail application marks as read, deleted, or replied to will not show up as such on the server. This means that future mail downloads with POP3 will show all messages as unread.
The system uses SMTP to send outgoing mail.
We recommend that you use POP3 over SSL/TLS or IMAP over SSL/TLS because they provide increased security for your interactions with the remote mail server.